Please Forward My Mail #wip by DeBrie>>CHAPTER 3

His habit was to smother himself in mistakes of his past. Rewinding all the females he had chased, pined after and lost, going all the way back.

Amy was my first crush. This was in elementary school. I chased her all around the playground. Sometimes she’d let me catch her. I would tag her and then she chased me.

I never thought that maybe when she let me catch her, that she wanted more than a shoulder tap. I was eight and didn’t know anything. Some of the other guys did know stuff.

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          There were a few girls in middle school, but no one else came close to that feeling I got when Amy and I were at recess together. No other girls caught me in the same way.

Until Daciana. She always seemed happy to see me. That was unusual for me. Made it very special. I didn’t hang out with her crowd in high school. In fact, I didn’t have a crowd and never really did. I was the loner who could fit in and still am.

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Welcome to our “chapter by chapter” work in progress, titled “PLEASE FORWARD MY MAIL”! We’ll link the book chapters together each time a piece of the story is published. When it seems “done” we gon’ go ahead and polish and then publish this bad boy! Good, bad, ugly or a mix of all three. Come on back! ~Chris DeBrie

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