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From orphan to the military to prison to bounty hunter, Alex has just about seen it all… until now.

Available on multiple platforms>>

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Lurv Toons series

Dive into the most stubborn and earnest characters you’ve seen in a while. With Lurv brings you nearly 50 pages of sharp-edged, insightful humor, in cartoon form. Produced by DeBrie.



“The Slow & Deliberate Dismantling of Michael Jordan”

The booger-eaters who love LeBron might be the only sports fanbase in modern history to disrespect their idol’s predecessors. Find out why as we push back against the LeNarrative.

Check out why we say:

LeBron is not that skilled nor intelligent on the court.

Jordan is highly admired, while LeBron is worshipped by fanboys.

LeBron always has an excuse or scapegoat ready.

Smellache featuring Zero Cap

Smellache is a carousel of musicians, writers and other artists.

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